the man with the compound eyes



Taichung, April 2021

Atile’i, a young boy from the mys­te­ri­ous is­land of Wayo Wayo, fol­lows his is­land’s cus­toms and em­barks into the great un­known on the day of the 180th full moon after his birth. Alice, a pro­fes­sor liv­ing alone on the east coast of Tai­wan, yearns only for death after the loss of her son and hus­band in the moun­tains. Dahu and Hafay, hail­ing from the Bunun and Amis tribes, each bear their dis­tinct bur­dens in their choices in life. As the Pa­cific trash vor­tex im­pacts Tai­wan, all lives be­come in­ex­tri­ca­bly in­ter­twined, while “the man with com­pound eyes” gazes silently upon the suf­fer­ing and per­se­ver­ance of mankind.
Ger­man di­rec­tor Lukas Hem­leb brings WU Ming-yi’s in­ter­na­tion­ally ac­claimed novel to the stage,  co-pro­duced by Na­tional Taichung The­ater and Taipei Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter.

複眼人 – The Man with the Compound Eyes
Based on the novel “The Man with the Com­pound Eyes” by WU Ming-yi


Con­cept, Script, Di­rec­tor & Light­ing De­sign : Lukas Hem­leb
Com­poser : LI Yuan-chen
Stage De­sign Con­sul­tant : Austin WANG
Cos­tume De­sign : HWARNG Wern-ying
Media De­sign : CHEN Yan-ren
Pup­pet De­sign : LAI Yong-ting
As­sis­tant Stage De­sign : LUO Wan-yu
Light­ing De­sign As­sis­tant : CHANG Shan-ting
Pro­gram Co­or­di­na­tion & Di­rec­tor As­sis­tant : LO Yinru
Script Trans­la­tion : CHIA Yi-chun
Script Edit­ing & Re­hearsal As­sis­tant : LIN Guo-feng
Per­form­ers : HSU Yen-ling, Ado Kalit­ing Paci­dal, Soda Voyu, Ipun Kana­saw, Faidaw Fagod, WENG Jo-pei, LIN Li-chuan, HSUEH Mei-hua, YU Ming-chu
Tech­ni­cal Di­rec­tor / LIN Li-chun
Pro­duc­tion / Na­tional Taichung The­ater, Taipei Per­form­ing Arts Cen­ter